Monday, November 12, 2007

Journal Entry #14: Dread

Date: November 12, 2007
Time: 22:18

Main Entry: 1dread
verbPronunciation: 'dred

Etymology: Middle English dreden, from Old English dr[AE]dan
transitive senses
1 a: to fear greatly b archaic: to regard with awe
2: to feel extreme reluctance to meet or face intransitive senses: to be apprehensive or fearful

This is the first of three definitions of the word “dread”, and I think the second of these two fits well with how I feel every single morning.

I wake up, if I’ve even gotten any sleep, and I see what the time is, and the first thought in my head is “Oh G-d, I gotta get going.” This is repeated several times until I actually get out of bed. Then I have to figure out what I want wear, which is rather easy as I only have slacks in three colors, black, blue, and gray. But then I have to figure out what sort of mood I’m in, although if it’s Monday, like today, then I wear black. I always wear black when I have a class scheduled where some form of mathematics is involved.

But still there’s that feeling of dread that comes with each piece of clothing I have to put on. Because it means that with each piece I put on, then it’s that much closer to where I have to leave to go to work. Now you’ve probably heard it from a lot of people “I hate my job”, and for one reason or another they probably do, and their reasons are somehow justified in their minds. But do they feel what I feel every single morning for over a year? Do these people dream they’re at work? Or worse, dream they’re at work doing something, they wake up, go back to sleep, and dream they’re at work doing something else?!?

Welcome to my world. Strap in, the horrors are just beginning.

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