Thursday, July 31, 2008

Yes, No, Maybe, Sometimes, Never In A Million Years

Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008
Time: 14:06
Place: Work

I know what I'm doing right now will probably be against policy, but I can't wait any longer.

I am sick and tired of polls. There are times when the subject just riles me, like a CNN poll, "Should Miley Cyrus give up being "Hannah Montana?" and the only choices you aer given are "Yes" or "No".

What about "Don't Care", or "Don't Give A Rat's Ass?" I know, I know, if you don't care, then don't answer, but what about my right to free speech, my right to voice my opinion? They never take that into account.

Look, all I know is that these pollsters need to start re-thinking the audience they're playing to. This is a general suggestion, not just in regards to "celebrity" garbage. And just who are these "celebrities"? These people who are famous, simply for being famous, or infamous as the case may be. Socialites who get into traffic accidents, "supermodels" who throw tantrums, seriously, does anyone really care about these people?

Once, just once, I would love to see a newsreader pull a "Howard Beale". Just once, I'd love to see an anchorperson look at the teleprompter, or look at the papers in their hand, get a look of disgust on their face, look at the camera and say, "I'm sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen, all those who viewing this right now, I'm sorry, I just can't bring myself to read yet another so-called story about what (insert celebrity name here) did, or didn't do." The anchorperson would then take off the microphone, stand up, and walk out of the studio.

But they wouldn't kill themselves over it, let's make that clear right now, they would just leave.

But that would never happen. The minute that anchorperson began to deviate from what was expected, the director and the producer would cut to a commercial.

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