Thursday, July 10, 2008


Date: Thursday, July 10, 2008
Time: 22:00:51
Place: Home

I don’t know about anyone else in the class, but I started reading “2008 G-d’s Final Witness” by Ronald Weinland last night, and while I only got as far as page 7, I gotta tell ya, the man is nuts! He purports himself to be one of the two people that G-d is allegedly supposed to allow to witness the end of the world. So far, he doesn’t say who the other person is supposed to be, I gather that he’ll get into that later on.

Now, I love reading, I’ve even bought the New York Post when I was stuck for something to read. But this rhetorical nonsense, I wouldn’t read on a dare, a bet, or with a gun to my head or a combination of any or all three at once. Yes, I know, I only got as far as page 7, but then, I did a little research on Mr. Weinland. I found out that he is a pastor for “G-d’s Church on Earth”, and not only that, but its full name is “G-d’s Church on Earth – Preparing for the Kingdom of G-d. (For those of you reading this that may not know, I am of the Jewish faith, and while I’m not a practicing Jew, I still write G-d’s name the way I’ve been taught and the way my grandmother always wrote it.)

In any event, here are two websites for the man: and

Make no mistake, even though I think it's simply more of the same tripe we've heard before, I’ll continue to read the thing, but only because it was assigned, and that beats a dare, a bet and a gun to my head.


Que said...

The second witness was named in a sermon webcast on April 17. She is his wife Laura - believe it or not!
He has been proved (many times) to be a false propet. He is ruining the lives of his followers. If you would like more info, please try these debunking sites :-

Weinland Watch said...


Can you please provide more information as to which class you are in? What is the name of the teacher? If you don't want to post it on the Internet, you can reach me at

This could be very important information, if the elders have started recruiting workshops or classes of some kind.

Thanks so much.