Thursday, August 7, 2008

Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008
Time: 23:41
Place: Home

I was going to put this as the title, but felt it would have been trite. It was this, "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

I had mentioned a while back that there was something going on at work that involved attorneys. Well, recently, it looked as though what I was doing was over, but now I find that it isn't. There's some technical stuff that has to be done before it's over with.

So maybe the title could have been "Technology, Take It or Leave It" and believe me, there are times when I want to leave it. Except for maybe electric lights, record players, radios, and the electric typewriter. I can honestly do without television, but if the episodes of certain shows I like were available as film reels, I wouldn't say no.

I bring up the foibles of technology because I got another statement from an educational institution we all know, stating I owe money. After a lengthy time on "Hold", I was informed, again, that their new finance system was experiencing teething pains, and I was to ignore the notice. I thought to myself "Ain't technology grand?" This is something I say at times when technology, computer technology to be precise, fails in some way.

That's all I have time for right now. I'm very hungry and I don't want my hot dogs to get cold.

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