Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Time: 15:19
Place: Work

I'll try and make this quick what with me being at work and all.

I may have stated in a previous post that I like old movies. One of the films I like to watch, especially during the holidays is "March of the Wooden Soldiers" with Laurel and Hardy. The story takes place in Toyland, Stan and Ollie are boarders with the Old Woman who lived in a Shoe, and work at the toy factory making special orders for Santa.

Stan gets an order mixed up, and as a result, 100 6-foot tall wooden soldiers are made.

These come in especially handy later in the film when Toyland is under attack by Silas Barnaby and his army of Boogiemen. For a while Stan and Ollie are able to fight the Boogiemen off by using clubs and darts. While in the toy warehouse, Ollie sends Stan for more darts. He sees the wooden soldiers and gets an idea.

When he comes back to Ollie he says "You know what?" To which Ollie replies, "What?" "The Wooden Soldiers"

Some years ago, when I worked at Prudential Financial, one of the guys on the day shift had also seen this movie more than a few times. When we discussed the hilarity of some scenes over others, we developed a method to test the other to see how alert each of us was at any given moment. One of us would say to the other "You know what?" to which the other one was to reply, "The Wooden Soldiers", we would then smile at each other, content with our cleverness, and continue working. If the proper reply was not given, doubts about that person's mental acuity were cast, and at volumes loud enough for those nearby to hear.

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