Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Journal Entry #23: Ramblings

Date: November 21, 2007
Time: 23:28

Oops, this is the second time I almost forgot about this. Well, I have said I’ve been a bit addled lately. The holidays tend to do that to me, along with all the rest that’s going on in my head at the moment. Being that tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I’m feeling very unhappy over the fact that I can’t be in Chicago. As I said before, I’m a Doctor Who fan and there’s a Doctor Who convention in that takes place over the Thanksgiving weekend in Chicago. Back in the 90s, it was a science-fiction convention, with actors and people who were connected with Doctor Who at the forefront of the convention.

The convention was called “Visions” and it was run by an organization that called itself “Her Majesty’s Entertainment”. They ran from 1990, until 1998. Then, in 2000, a man named Gene Smith, who owns a store called Alien Entertainment, picked up the torch and began staging conventions. However, these conventions narrowed the guest list and stayed with Doctor Who actors, actresses, and other production related people.

I had the opportunity to attend the 2003 convention, which held great significance for me for a few reasons. Reason 1 was that it was the 40th Anniversary of the start of the programme. Reason 2, was that after I attended that convention, I wouldn’t be able to attend any more until I found a job that would pay me enough to be able to afford to go, and give me enough vacation time to go. Reason 3, was that it gave me a chance to meet another actor who had portrayed the Doctor a second time, Reason 4, one of the guests, character actor Michael Sheard, died a few months later, but I not only got a chance to meet and talk with him, but I have all of his books personally autographed, and finally, Reason number 5.

All of the actors/guests laughed at something I said.

The night before the convention actually starts; there is a little gathering for all attendees who spend a little extra to attend this little party. So, I get to the room where the party is being held, and I find a table and sit down, and they all come over and sit at my table. I look up at Michael Sheard and I sort of recognize him. I mention that I think I know him from somewhere, and he tells me one of the Doctor Who stories he was featured in. It is then that I remember him from an episode called “Remembrance of the Daleks”. He portrayed the headmaster of the Coal Hill School, and the unwitting tool of the Imperial Dalek faction. He attacked my favorite companion Ace, by jamming his knee into her stomach. She then retaliated by kneeing him in the happy sack.

As we discussed this, he mentioned that he had spoken with the actress who portrayed Ace, Sophie Aldred, and he made note of the fact that “she sounded rather subdued.” to which Frazer Hines, who use to portray companion Jamie McCrimmon asked how many children Ms. Aldred has at present, to which the answer was two. To which I replied, “That’s enough to subdue anybody!”

And everyone laughed at my little joke.

I smiled.

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